Public Comment Form

Solid Waste and Materials Management Plan

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has awarded ADEQ funding under the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR) grant program to update Arizona’s existing statewide Solid Waste Management Plan developed in 1981, with a new Integrated Solid Waste & Materials Management Plan (ISWMMP). Because Arizona’s solid waste landscape has undergone many changes since the original plan was written in 1981, ADEQ intends for this new plan to reflect updated objectives and strategies to move Arizona toward a more sustainable future supported by a circular economy. Through the development of this plan and with key input received from stakeholders across the state, ADEQ will help improve post-consumer materials management programs by identifying ways to source-reduce the solid waste disposal stream by implementing waste reduction and recycling strategies.

In order to accurately address your public concerns, it would be very beneficial for all parties if you were to provide your city or zip code.

Contact Information

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Your Comment

Please leave your public comment that describes your thoughts, feedback and ideas in addressing your communities most pressing challenges when it comes to recycling, waste and disposal of any materials you struggle with. Some examples could be illegal dumping of waste tires, mattresses and trash. We would also appreciate any feedback on how to address these challenges and possibly what your community already does successfully or not. This feedback will help us develop a solid waste materials management plan that can help support the entire state of Arizona.

*Uploading a file is optional*

You may attach up to five 20 MB files to accompany your submission. Allowed formats are pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, gif, doc, docx, xlsx, xls. If you experience technical difficulties submitting your comment please contact the person listed at the bottom of this page.

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